EcoCity NFT Page Functionality

Greg WillsonAbout 2 min

EcoCity NFT Page Functionality


The page serves as a dynamic interface where users can view their EcoCity NFTs and connect them to real-world sustainable development concepts. This page integrates blockchain technology with educational content from SCDHub.orgopen in new window, creating an interactive learning experience about sustainability.

Page Loading Process

1. User Authentication

  • The page first checks if the user is logged in to their EcoCity account.
  • If not logged in, the user is prompted to connect their web3 wallet.


Consider using MetaMask or WalletConnect for easy wallet integration.

2. NFT Data Retrieval

  • Once authenticated, the page queries the blockchain (e.g., Ethereum, Polygon) for NFTs owned by the user's address.
  • It filters for EcoCity-specific NFTs using the smart contract address or other identifiers.
async function getUserNFTs(userAddress) {
  const provider = new ethers.providers.Web3Provider(window.ethereum);
  const contract = new ethers.Contract(ECO_CITY_CONTRACT_ADDRESS, ABI, provider);
  const nfts = await contract.tokensOfOwner(userAddress);
  return nfts;

3. Metadata Loading

  • For each EcoCity NFT, the page fetches the associated metadata.
  • This metadata is typically stored on IPFS or a similar decentralized storage system.
  • The metadata includes information such as:
    • NFT Name
    • Description
    • Image URL
    • Attributes (e.g., type of sustainable solution, impact metrics)
async function getNFTMetadata(tokenId) {
  const response = await fetch(`${TOKEN_METADATA_CID}/${tokenId}`);
  const metadata = await response.json();
  return metadata;

4. NFT Display

  • The page renders a gallery view of the user's EcoCity NFTs.
  • Each NFT is displayed with its image and basic information from the metadata.


Ensure images are optimized for web to improve page load times.

5. Sustainable Solution Matching

  • The system analyzes the NFT's attributes and description.
  • It uses natural language processing to match the NFT's theme with topics from the SCDHub.orgopen in new window sustainable solutions outline.
  • Potential matching categories might include:
    • Renewable Energy
    • Water Conservation
    • Sustainable Agriculture
    • Waste Management
    • Green Building
    • Biodiversity Conservation

6. Interactive Information Display

When a user selects an NFT, the page displays:

  • Enlarged NFT image
  • Detailed metadata
  • Matched sustainable solution topic from SCDHub.orgopen in new window
  • Brief explanation of how the NFT relates to the sustainable solution

7. Educational Content Integration

  • The page provides links to relevant articles, case studies, or resources from SCDHub.orgopen in new window related to the matched sustainable solution topic.
  • Users can dive deeper into the real-world applications and impacts of the concept represented by their NFT.

8. User Interaction Options

Users can:

  • Browse through their NFT collection
  • Read about each NFT's connection to sustainability
  • Access educational resources
  • Share their NFT and its associated sustainable solution on social media
  • Potentially earn rewards or achievements for engaging with the educational content

Technical Considerations

  • The page uses Web3.js or Ethers.js for blockchain interactions.
  • API calls to SCDHub.orgopen in new window are made to fetch the latest sustainable solutions outline.
  • The matching algorithm uses keywords and possibly machine learning to connect NFTs with sustainability topics.
  • The page is responsive, ensuring a good user experience on both desktop and mobile devices.
import { createApp } from 'vue'
import { createRouter, createWebHistory } from 'vue-router'
import App from './App.vue'
import NFTGallery from './components/NFTGallery.vue'

const router = createRouter({
  history: createWebHistory(),
  routes: [
    { path: '/nft', component: NFTGallery }

const app = createApp(App)


  • Gamifies learning about sustainability
  • Connects digital assets (NFTs) with real-world environmental concepts
  • Encourages users to engage more deeply with sustainability topics
  • Provides a unique, interactive way to showcase the educational value of EcoCity NFTs


Consider implementing a reward system for users who engage deeply with the educational content.


By bridging NFT ownership with sustainability education, creates a novel platform for engaging users in important environmental topics, making learning both fun and relevant to their digital assets.