Eco Ops Checkins
Path toward becoming verified as an 'arbiter of truth' project verifiers of climate and biodiversity credit projects
Support meetings for climate and biodiversity credit-worthy activities
Meetings with Mamawatoto Eco Clubs Program - SCD Hub , machakos, Kenya
Talking Points
Q; What actions quality?
composting, diversion of plastics from burn areas, converting to no-till farming method, cover crop carbon sequestration, tree planting, biological area enhancement
more, discuss.
Q: How are Eco Ops tokens marketed, can climate credit markets buy them? How do we build trust in a biodiversity credit token?
we at SCD Hub are preparing an online portal to present the work of each project, verification info, and description of the approach used.
mentorship programs and continued correspondence through use of Eco Ops checkins
regular correspondence , outeach to new programs in development, sharing of resources
continued technical education training for young people interested in emergent circular economies and technologies