Green Spaces

Greg WillsonAbout 11 minTopicsgreen spaces, core concepts


Green spaces have been a significant aspect of sustainable community development in Kenya. Over the years, various efforts have been made to create green spaces in urban and rural areas to improve the quality of life for the community and the environment.

One of the notable people who have championed efforts to create green spaces in Kenya is Wangari Maathai, who founded the Green Belt Movement in 1977. The Green Belt Movement is a non-governmental organization that focuses on planting trees, conserving the environment, and empowering communities to manage their natural resources sustainably.

Another notable person is Simon Maina, who founded the Community Based Environmental Management (CBEM) program. The CBEM program aims to promote community-based natural resource management, including the creation of green spaces and the protection of wildlife habitats.

Current efforts to create green spaces in Kenya include various initiatives by the government, non-government organizations, and community-based organizations. The government has established several national parks and reserves to protect wildlife habitats, as well as initiated several urban greening programs to create parks and open spaces in cities.

Private sector companies and non-government organizations are also partnering with communities to create green spaces through tree planting initiatives, conservation efforts, and community-based programs.

Historically, funding for green space initiatives in Kenya has come from a variety of sources, including the government, international organizations, and private sector companies. Volunteer efforts have also been critical in supporting these initiatives, with many individuals and organizations lending their time and resources to support the creation and maintenance of green spaces.

The intrinsic benefits of green spaces include improved air quality, reduced carbon emissions, and increased biodiversity. Extrinsic benefits include increased property values, improved health outcomes, and enhanced community pride and social cohesion.

In terms of new projects proposed, there is ongoing interest in creating green spaces in urban areas to address the impacts of rapid urbanization and to promote sustainable community development. Additionally, there are ongoing efforts to expand and protect national parks and wildlife habitats to conserve biodiversity and support ecotourism.

United States

The United States has a long history of creating green spaces for sustainable community development. Beginning in the late 19th century, cities and towns across the country started to establish parks and other public green spaces as a way to improve the quality of life for residents.

One of the most notable champions of green space creation in the United States was Frederick Law Olmsted, a landscape architect who designed many of the country's most famous urban parks, including Central Park in New York City and Golden Gate Park in San Francisco.

In the 20th century, the trend of creating green spaces continued, with many cities and towns establishing parks, gardens, and other public green spaces. However, the growth of cities and the increasing demand for land also brought new challenges, such as urbanization and the loss of green spaces to development.

Despite these challenges, there have been a number of successful efforts to create and preserve green spaces in the United States. These efforts have been funded through a variety of sources, including government grants, private donations, and corporate sponsorships.

Volunteer efforts have also played a critical role in the creation and maintenance of green spaces. For example, community organizations and local residents often come together to clean up parks, plant trees, and maintain community gardens.

The intrinsic benefits of green spaces in the United States include improved air quality, reduced carbon emissions, and increased biodiversity. Extrinsic benefits include increased property values, improved health outcomes, and enhanced community pride and social cohesion.

In recent years, there has been a renewed interest in creating green spaces in the United States, driven in part by the recognition of the many benefits that these spaces provide. There are currently several new green space initiatives underway, including the creation of new urban parks, the expansion of existing parks, and the establishment of community gardens and other green spaces in under-served areas.

Overall, the history of green space creation in the United States is a story of ongoing efforts to improve the quality of life for residents and to promote sustainable community development. Despite the many challenges that have arisen over the years, the commitment of individuals, organizations, and communities to creating and preserving green spaces has remained strong, and will likely continue to be a critical part of the country's sustainable development efforts in the future.


Green spaces have been an important aspect of sustainable community development in China, and there have been various efforts to create and maintain them over the years. One of the earliest examples is the "Green Great Wall" project, which was initiated in the 1970s to combat desertification and promote green spaces in northern China.

However, the development of green spaces has faced various challenges in China, including land degradation, rapid urbanization, and a lack of political will and funding. Despite these challenges, there have been several notable individuals who have championed the cause of green spaces, including environmental activists and urban planners.

In recent years, there has been a renewed effort to create green spaces in China, particularly in urban areas. For example, the Chinese government has launched various initiatives aimed at increasing the amount of green space in cities, such as the "Green City" program and the "Green Ribbon" initiative. These projects are funded through a combination of government grants, private investment, and volunteer efforts.

The benefits of green spaces are both intrinsic and extrinsic. Intrinsically, green spaces provide a peaceful and calming environment, as well as opportunities for recreation and physical activity. Extrinsically, green spaces can help improve air quality, reduce the urban heat island effect, and mitigate the impacts of climate change.

There are also new projects being proposed to increase the amount of green space in China. One such example is the "Greenway" project, which aims to create a network of green spaces and parks that would connect various cities in China. Another project is the "Green Belt" initiative, which aims to create a ring of green spaces around cities to provide a barrier against urban sprawl and protect natural habitats.

Overall, the development of green spaces in China continues to be an important aspect of sustainable community development, and there are ongoing efforts to increase the amount of green space and improve its quality.


India has a long history of creating green spaces for sustainable community development, with various efforts dating back several centuries. For example, traditional Indian communities often incorporated green spaces and parks into their urban planning, such as the Mughal-era gardens and parks in cities like Delhi and Agra.

However, the creation and maintenance of green spaces in India has faced numerous challenges over the years. One of the biggest challenges has been the rapid pace of urbanization and the associated loss of green spaces to development. In addition, there has often been a lack of political will and funding to prioritize green spaces in urban planning and development.

Despite these challenges, there have been several notable individuals and organizations who have championed the cause of green spaces in India. One of the most notable examples is the late environmentalist, Sunita Narain, who was instrumental in promoting sustainable development and the creation of green spaces in India.

In recent years, there has been a renewed focus on creating green spaces in India, particularly in urban areas. For example, the Indian government has launched several initiatives aimed at increasing the amount of green space in cities, such as the "Green City" program and the "Green Ribbon" initiative. These projects are funded through a combination of government grants, private investment, and volunteer efforts.

The benefits of green spaces are both intrinsic and extrinsic. Intrinsically, green spaces provide a peaceful and calming environment, as well as opportunities for recreation and physical activity. Extrinsically, green spaces can help improve air quality, reduce the urban heat island effect, and mitigate the impacts of climate change.

There are also new projects being proposed to increase the amount of green space in India. One such example is the "Greenway" project, which aims to create a network of green spaces and parks that would connect various cities in India. Another project is the "Green Belt" initiative, which aims to create a ring of green spaces around cities to provide a barrier against urban sprawl and protect natural habitats.

Overall, the development of green spaces in India continues to be an important aspect of sustainable community development, and there are ongoing efforts to increase the amount of green space and improve its quality.


Canada has a long history of creating green spaces for sustainable community development, dating back to the late 19th and early 20th centuries when cities like Toronto and Montreal began establishing parks and recreational areas. Since then, there have been various efforts to create and maintain green spaces in Canada, ranging from local parks and community gardens to large-scale urban forest initiatives.

Despite these efforts, the development of green spaces in Canada has faced various challenges over the years. One of the biggest challenges has been the rapid pace of urbanization and the associated loss of green spaces to development. In addition, there have often been competing demands for land use, and limited funding and political will to prioritize green spaces in urban planning and development.

Despite these challenges, there have been several notable individuals and organizations who have championed the cause of green spaces in Canada. One of the most notable examples is J.S. Harkin, the first Commissioner of the Dominion Parks Branch, who was instrumental in establishing the country's national parks system and promoting the importance of green spaces for sustainable community development.

In recent years, there has been a renewed focus on creating green spaces in Canada, particularly in urban areas. For example, many cities have launched initiatives aimed at increasing the amount of green space in their communities, such as the "Green City" program and the "Green Ribbon" initiative. These projects are funded through a combination of government grants, private investment, and volunteer efforts.

The benefits of green spaces are both intrinsic and extrinsic. Intrinsically, green spaces provide a peaceful and calming environment, as well as opportunities for recreation and physical activity. Extrinsically, green spaces can help improve air quality, reduce the urban heat island effect, and mitigate the impacts of climate change.

There are also new projects being proposed to increase the amount of green space in Canada. One such example is the "Greenway" project, which aims to create a network of green spaces and parks that would connect various cities and communities across the country. Another project is the "Green Belt" initiative, which aims to create a ring of green spaces around cities to provide a barrier against urban sprawl and protect natural habitats.

Overall, the development of green spaces in Canada continues to be an important aspect of sustainable community development, and there are ongoing efforts to increase the amount of green space and improve its quality.

Notable recent projects

Here are 20 notable recent green spaces projects from around the world:

High Line, New York City, USA: This elevated park was built on a disused railroad track in Manhattan and provides a green oasis in the heart of the city.

Central Park, Mumbai, India: This large urban park in the heart of Mumbai provides a green respite for residents of the city and is a popular destination for locals and tourists alike.

Gardens by the Bay, Singapore: This large park features stunning gardens, greenhouses, and sculptures, and is a popular destination for visitors to Singapore.

Victoria Park, Hong Kong: This large urban park in Hong Kong provides a green oasis in the heart of the city and is a popular destination for locals and tourists alike.

Tijuca National Park, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil: This large urban park covers an area of over 3,000 hectares and provides a green respite for residents of Rio de Janeiro.

Park Guell, Barcelona, Spain: This whimsical park designed by Antoni Gaudi is a popular destination for tourists visiting Barcelona.

The Olympic Park, London, UK: This park was created for the 2012 Summer Olympics and has since become a popular destination for residents of London.

Stanley Park, Vancouver, Canada: This large urban park provides a green oasis in the heart of Vancouver and is a popular destination for locals and tourists alike.

Maruyama Park, Kyoto, Japan: This traditional Japanese park is a popular destination for locals and tourists alike and features a large pond, cherry blossom trees, and various temples and shrines.

Golden Gate Park, San Francisco, USA: This large urban park in San Francisco provides a green oasis in the heart of the city and is a popular destination for locals and tourists alike.

Royal Botanic Gardens, Melbourne, Australia: This large urban park features a wide variety of plants and is a popular destination for visitors to Melbourne.

Tiergarten, Berlin, Germany: This large park in the heart of Berlin is a popular destination for locals and tourists alike and provides a green respite from the city.

Parc des Buttes-Chaumont, Paris, France: This large park in Paris features a lake, a waterfall, and a suspension bridge, and is a popular destination for locals and tourists alike.

Shanghai Park, Shanghai, China: This large urban park provides a green oasis in the heart of Shanghai and is a popular destination for locals and tourists alike.

Botanic Garden of Curitiba, Curitiba, Brazil: This large urban park features a wide variety of plants and is a popular destination for visitors to Curitiba.

Balboa Park, San Diego, USA: This large urban park in San Diego provides a green oasis in the heart of the city and is a popular destination for locals and tourists alike.

Kirstenbosch National Botanical Garden, Cape Town, South Africa: This large park features a wide variety of plants and is a popular destination for visitors to Cape Town.

Gardens of the Palace of Versailles, France: These historic gardens were designed by Andre Le Notre and are a popular destination for tourists visiting the Palace of Versailles.

Garden of the Five Senses, Delhi, India: This large urban park features a wide variety of plants and is a popular destination for visitors to Delhi.

Taoro Park, Tenerife, Spain: This large urban park in Tenerife provides numerous social and environmental benefits to the local community and the surrounding area.

Some of the benefits of Taoro Park include

  • Improved air quality: Taoro Park helps to combat air pollution by absorbing carbon dioxide and releasing oxygen, improving air quality for the surrounding community.

  • Increased biodiversity: The park provides a habitat for a variety of wildlife, including birds, insects, and small mammals, and supports the growth of a diverse range of plant species, increasing biodiversity in the area.

  • Mental and physical health benefits: Spending time in green spaces has been shown to reduce stress and anxiety, improve mood, and boost physical health through increased physical activity.

  • Improved social cohesion: Taoro Park provides a space for community members to gather, socialize, and participate in recreational activities, promoting social cohesion and community building.

  • Increased property values: The presence of a well-maintained green space like Taoro Park can increase property values in the surrounding area, making it a valuable asset for the local community.

  • Climate regulation: Taoro Park helps regulate the local climate by providing shade, reducing heat island effects, and mitigating the impacts of stormwater runoff.

  • Ecological benefits: The park provides an important ecosystem service by absorbing and filtering pollutants, reducing soil erosion, and promoting water retention, which benefits the health of local waterways.

Overall, the Taoro Park green space project provides a range of social and environmental benefits that contribute to the sustainability and well-being of the local community and the surrounding area.

Proposed projects

20 notable green spaces projects currently being proposed around the world:

East River Blueway Plan, New York City, USA: This proposal aims to create a network of parks, walkways, and water-based recreation opportunities along the East River in New York City.

The Great Green Wall, Africa: This proposal aims to create a wall of vegetation across Africa to combat desertification and improve local ecosystems.

The High Line Network, Global: This proposal aims to create a network of elevated parks similar to New York City's High Line in cities around the world.

The London National Park City, UK: This proposal aims to create a national park in the heart of London, incorporating green spaces and nature reserves across the city.

The Paris Promenade Plantée, France: This proposal aims to create a greenway along an old railway line in Paris, providing a new recreational opportunity for residents of the city.

The Green Belt Project, China: This proposal aims to create a network of parks and green spaces around major cities in China to provide a green oasis for residents.

The Mumbai Coastal Road Project, India: This proposal aims to create a new coastal road in Mumbai, incorporating green spaces and parkland along the route.

The Sydney Parklands Project, Australia: This proposal aims to create new parklands and green spaces in Sydney to provide a green oasis for residents.

The Rio Botanical Gardens Project, Brazil: This proposal aims to create a new botanical garden in Rio de Janeiro, showcasing the biodiversity of the region.

The Barcelona Green Belt Project, Spain: This proposal aims to create a green belt around Barcelona, incorporating parks and green spaces to provide a green oasis for residents.

The Berlin Forest Project, Germany: This proposal aims to create a new forest in Berlin, providing a green oasis in the heart of the city.

The Moscow Parkland Project, Russia: This proposal aims to create new parklands and green spaces in Moscow to provide a green oasis for residents.

The Tokyo Waterfront Project, Japan: This proposal aims to create a new waterfront park in Tokyo, incorporating green spaces and recreational opportunities.

The Beijing Green Belt Project, China: This proposal aims to create a green belt around Beijing, incorporating parks and green spaces to provide a green oasis for residents.

The Vancouver Greenway Project, Canada: This proposal aims to create a network of greenways and parks in Vancouver, providing a green oasis for residents.

The Mexico City Park Project, Mexico: This proposal aims to create new parks and green spaces in Mexico City to provide a green oasis for residents.

The Jakarta Green Belt Project, Indonesia: This proposal aims to create a green belt around Jakarta, incorporating parks and green spaces to provide a green oasis for residents.

The Sydney Harbour Park Project, Australia: This proposal aims to create a new park along the Sydney Harbour, incorporating green spaces and recreational opportunities.

The Bangkok Green Belt Project, Thailand: This proposal aims to create a green belt around Bangkok, incorporating parks and green spaces to provide a green oasis for residents.

The Seoul Green Belt Project, South Korea: This proposal aims to create a green belt around Seoul, incorporating parks and green spaces to provide a green oasis for residents.