Climate Resilience

Greg WillsonAbout 2 minTopicsclimate resilience

Climate resiliency is a critical aspect of sustainable community development that refers to the ability of communities to withstand and recover from the impacts of extreme weather events, such as floods, droughts, and heatwaves. The following are some core concepts, a brief history, and emergent trends related to climate resiliency in sustainable community development:

Core concepts:

  • Adaptation: This refers to the process of adjusting to the changing climate and its impacts, such as sea level rise and increased frequency of natural disasters.
  • Mitigation: This refers to the actions taken to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and slow the pace of climate change.
  • Green infrastructure: This refers to the use of natural systems, such as parks, green roofs, and wetlands, to manage stormwater, reduce heat island effects, and provide other environmental benefits.
  • Climate-sensitive design: This refers to the integration of climate considerations into the design of buildings, transportation systems, and other infrastructure to ensure they are resilient to the impacts of climate change.

History of approaches:

  • Traditional approaches to community development have often focused on growth and development without considering the impacts of climate change.
  • More recent approaches have begun to incorporate climate resiliency considerations into community development plans, recognizing the importance of preparing for and adapting to the impacts of climate change.
  • Increased focus on green infrastructure and nature-based solutions to manage stormwater and reduce the impacts of extreme weather events.
  • Greater emphasis on community engagement and collaboration in the planning and implementation of climate resiliency measures.
  • The growing recognition of the importance of climate resiliency in ensuring equitable and sustainable communities.
  • The increasing integration of climate resiliency considerations into broader sustainability and resilience planning efforts, including hazard mitigation plans and community resilience plans.

Taking Action

By incorporating these concepts and trends into community development plans, communities can ensure that they are prepared for the impacts of climate change and are better equipped to withstand and recover from extreme weather events. This, in turn, helps to create more livable, sustainable, and resilient communities.

  • Green infrastructure: In many cities, communities are investing in green infrastructure such as parks, green roofs, and rain gardens to manage stormwater and reduce the impacts of extreme weather events. For example, New York City has launched a Green Infrastructure Plan to manage stormwater through the use of green roofs, street trees, and other green infrastructure techniques.

  • Climate-sensitive design: In some communities, building codes and design standards are being updated to include considerations for the impacts of climate change. For example, in Miami, Florida, new building codes require structures to be elevated to prevent damage from sea level rise and storm surge.

  • Community engagement: In some communities, local leaders and residents are working together to develop and implement climate resiliency plans. For example, in the Netherlands, the Room for the River project engaged communities in the planning and implementation of flood protection measures.

  • Adaptive land use planning: In some communities, land use planning efforts are being updated to take into account the impacts of climate change and to protect vulnerable areas from the impacts of sea level rise and extreme weather events. For example, in Bangladesh, a Coastal Embankment Improvement Project is being implemented to protect coastal communities from sea level rise and storm surges.

  • Energy efficiency and renewable energy: In many communities, efforts are underway to reduce energy consumption and increase the use of renewable energy sources. For example, in Germany, the government has implemented a renewable energy transition plan that aims to phase out fossil fuels and increase the use of renewable energy sources.