
Greg WillsonAbout 2 min

Food Forests Social Land Use Symbiosis

What step by step progressions of social and land use development are the best steps for progressing toward the creation of food forest symbiosis between human civilization, nature, a.i., and society. please respond with a strong emphasis on how the legal rights of nature and currently established precedents internationally influence outcomes relative to human rights, now forests, nature, and gardening as value able for their therapeutic benefits. Community development milestones to aspire toward, and several notable people who have helped to create movements for food forests.

Creating a food forest symbiosis between human civilization, nature, AI, and society is a complex and multidisciplinary process that requires careful planning, community engagement, and legal frameworks that support the protection of nature and the rights of all stakeholders. Here is a step-by-step progression that could help in achieving the goal of creating food forest symbiosis:

  • Community Engagement and Awareness: The first step is to raise awareness and engage the local community in the process of creating a food forest. This can be done through community meetings, workshops, and events that educate people about the benefits of food forests, such as increased access to fresh and healthy food, increased biodiversity, and improved mental and physical health.

  • Legal Frameworks: The legal framework for food forests should ensure the protection of nature, the rights of all stakeholders, and the rights of future generations. This can include policies that recognize the rights of nature, such as the Universal Declaration of the Rights of Mother Earth, and laws that protect the rights of Indigenous peoples, who often have a strong connection to the land and its resources.

  • Planning and Design: The next step is to plan and design the food forest, taking into account the local climate, soil conditions, water availability, and other environmental factors. This process should also involve the local community, who can provide valuable insights into their needs and preferences.

  • Implementation: Once the plan and design have been developed, the next step is to implement the food forest. This can involve the planting of trees and other vegetation, the creation of irrigation systems, and the establishment of other infrastructure, such as trails and benches, that can be used by the community.

  • Monitoring and Evaluation: The success of a food forest will depend on ongoing monitoring and evaluation to ensure that it is meeting the needs of the community and the environment. This can involve regular assessments of the health of the vegetation, the presence of wildlife, and the use of the food forest by the community.

Several notable people have helped to create movements for food forests, including:

  • Masanobu Fukuoka, a Japanese farmer and philosopher who developed the concept of "natural farming" and advocated for a more sustainable and holistic approach to agriculture.

  • Toby Hemenway, an American permaculturist and author who wrote extensively about the benefits of food forests and how they can be created and maintained.

  • Eric Toensmeier, an American permaculturist and author who has written extensively about the benefits of food forests and how they can be used to combat climate change.

Overall, creating a food forest symbiosis is a complex and ongoing process that requires the involvement and cooperation of many different stakeholders, including the local community, governments, and organizations. The legal frameworks and community development milestones that are established will play a crucial role in determining the success of these food forests and their ability to provide benefits for nature, society, and human health.